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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:52 am

A tank tactic:
Shoot with main cannon
Then get out and shoot with rocket launcher while waiting for reload
Then get in and shoot with main cannon again

Another tank tactic:
Listen your enemies bullet sounds
Get out and repair your tank till he shoots
Then get in and shoot him while his tank is reloading
Repeat this

UAV tactic:
Hide behind enemy tanks. (This is a great tactic for trolling with uav)

One last tank tactic:
You can destroy choppers with tanks main gun and it will always be one shoot one kill
Trust me it is very effective :)

One last general advice:
If someone is trying to roadkill you with humvee don't run away
Instead turn back and shoot with you rocket launcher
If you are not an engineer continue running till you find a safe spot :)

(Don't rape peoples bases and don't let them rape yours)
Facepalm is the greatest answer.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:21 pm

I also like to add that the hind has a zoom function for the gunner. So saves you having to have optics as spec3. Far better to have say harden war heads or armour if you are the gunner. Its a simple case of right click of the mouse to get the Zoom function.

Other tips to make life a little easier when a gunner for the Apache or Havoc. Always keep destroying the AA gun. I can't stress enough how important this is above all else. When I gun I am personally raining fire even if i dont see anyone. I like to always put a ton of pressure on the team and also create lots of dust so its even harder to see. Its very hard to find good gunners or pilots in this game which is a shame as I am a big lover of the russian heli ;-)

I usually play Atacama mainly.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:07 am

Russian heli, really? I've always found this thing much less stable than the US chopper and easy to flip over. On top of that that the glare really makes things hard to see unless you lower brightness in settings.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:58 am

russian helicicopters sucks

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:54 am

In real life they do but in bettlefold all nations vehicles are equal.
Facepalm is the greatest answer.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:57 pm

Other tips would be:

EDIT: I put this first so more people see it first: WATCH this video. It is VERY helpful for the players and it is very informative and funny xD: http://youtu.be/zcZ3wXF3r14 It teaches you how to play Bad Company 2. JUST WATCH IT ! XD

When in a large chopper(The UH-1 a.k.a. Huey in Vietnam, the UH-61 Blackhawk or the Mi-28 Hind) always make sure to have at least one engineer on the seats that allow to change weapons(change seats by pressing the F buttons>F1 is pilot, F2 is gunner, F3 is second gunner(only on Huey and Blackhawk) etc., repairing the chopper on the go.

If you want to be on the chopper all the time first fly around a bit and see if the enemy is using flares. If not, use other perks such as the one that does more damage, it's very useful.

When in a vehicle, look at the minimap. If you see an arrow flickering it means that someone wants to enter the vehicle as well. He WILL be helpful.
When in hardcore mode, remember if a engineer repairs your vehicle, do not run him over.

Keep in mind to wait or turn back for them cause you may be in the same need over time and if they won't return or wait for you, you will rage xD

If you need ammo kill a dude using assault or find an assault kit on the ground(the one with the lightning) and press E to pick it up, 4 and click to throw a ammo box, then take your kit back and refill your ammo. If a friendly dies, and there is a medic kit nearby(the one with the plus) pick it and revive the fallen teammate. He will help you. As well as if your medic dies, pick his kit up and revive him. You will have their kit but at least you will have another teammate with you to kill the enemies.

Remember always to play smart. Use whatever comes in hand. Be diverse. Be lethal. Combine weapons like M16A2 for range, 40 mil sgn for Close Quarters for example. ALWAYS USE AS MANY GADGETS AS YOU CAN! THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS! Use the kits on the ground to be more resistant. If you are medic throw a medikit, and pick up other kits on the ground and use their gadgets(e.g.: ammobox, motion sensor). Throw ammo on the ground and a motion sensor to spot nearby enemies. If you see a reckon kit throw the C4 randomly(it may detonate and get a kill), call in a mortar strike and then get your kit back. If you see enginner kit on the ground pick it. It may have AT mines. Deploy them. They may get you kills.

REMEMBER always to throw ammo boxes and medikits on the ground, but not on the middle of the street, but somewhere where is cover so you or your teammates don't get shot while healing or stacking ammo!! This is very important!

Always if you are assault and you hear("I need ammo, hey gimme some of dat ammo, hey bro I need some ammo! AMMMOO!!!" or something like or "vay I pripasi nishodie! patronyy dienie patrona! hey umniayslishna y prypasy", Patrone! Daj mi patrone! - Ammo! Give me some ammo! or something with the word "prypasy" or some sort, someone needs ammo or "there you go, ammo right here" or "hey, here's some ammo" or "hey, vodpa y prypasy", someone offers you ammo. Take it. You need it.

If you hear something with "MEDIC!!" or "medic! mojna pajvoch", offer medikit because a Russian teammate needs it cause they are low on health. Also remember to throw medikit at friendlies even if they are not hurt cause if they will, you will have more time to cover their healing and watch out for enemies rather than being distracted by their need to be offered a medikit when an enemy could shoot you.

If you hear something like "mojas papdiestey", someone spotted an enemy. If someone yells "snaiperr!" It is a desperate assault guy whose is being fired at by a sniper. Funny xD

If you hear something like "vijiuli lioky tank pratzivnekha", or" TANKE!" a teammate spotted a tank.

If you hear something like "Hey, nujna mashina" teammate asks you to pick him up.

If you hear something like "Daay muchi niu" someone wants to repair your vehicle.

Here is some more:
"Otlichniy vistril! - Good shot!
Mojesh podvesti? - Can you pick me up?
Sniper v ukritiye! - Sniper in the bush!

[Medic upon defibbing a friendly] Vperyod, v boy! - Forward, to battle!

tseli ustonovlin, boytsi s RPG prigotovitsa! - Tracer dart planted, RPG team get ready!

vrach - means medic

tsel otmechina - Target marked!

pjeshka pjeshka (maybe spelled pješka - š pronounced as "sh")--Russian medic offers medikit

"Eto sniper, vse v ukritie!" - "It's a sniper, everyone, take cover!"
"Chyort, eto sniper! Vsem zalech!" - "Damn, it's a sniper! Everyone, hit the dirt!" (funny that there's no prone in this game)
"Bunker zahvachen" - 'Bunker secured" (meaning position has been secured; I don't know why they translated "position" as "bunker")
and so on."

Also, something fun I've noticed, when a Russian medic throws a medikit sometimes he screams something like WILLI WONKA =)) ahah that's funny cause that is the name of johhny depp in a strange movie ... I found that they will yell "lemonka" basically "grenade". Similar to willy wonka but it stands for grenade... still funny LOL XD

"Amerikantsi otstupayut, otlichnaya rabota!

The Americans are falling back - excellent work!"

"prativnik" - enemy or "vizu pehotu prativnika" - I see enemy infantry

^that is all I remember from the dialogues. You could still change the localized language and the Russians will speak English with a Russian accent but I like it more this way.

If you are on a server where the team does not follow the objective and most of them are sniping, AND they are polish or russian, quickly quit that server before it ruins your day. Most of them are stupid kids that you will find on this game, even on the legit version(I have it and they are dumb as fuck). Play only with people that appear to have a smart name, not one that would belong to a Polish or Russian player, cause then you will have someone to play with. Otherwise, you will rage a lot and swear a lot at your teammates and end nasty. No offense.
Hope it helps ^^
Last edited by s1d3k1ckRO on Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:12 pm

^ Pretty damn good tips over there (Y)
Follow them :D

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:00 pm

To make things easier on yourself you can change the language Russian soldiers speak to English :D It doesn't work when you do this through in-game settings, so you have to change it manually in the config file.

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:18 am

I like the russian heli as I find it turns better for me personally, although landing is a real pain and cant do a heavy landing as you can with the US chopper. Yeah the glare is a pain too but I turn my settings down (Brightness, contrast) to make things a little easier.

Russian heli has an issue where the nose seems to be heavier than the US chopper so it always tends to keep moving downwards so try land on a flat surface or a slight hill with the nose on the peak rather than the tail or its bye bye chopper :-)

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Re: Vehicles tips and tricks

Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:23 am


Someone that actually talks my language :-) As soon as I spawn on my team mates what ever the class the first thing I do is drop something down, medic, ammo, motion etc. As you just don't know who needs something when you first spawn. Unless of course its a fire fight which I will wait before dropping what ever I have.
Last edited by RobbingHood on Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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