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Cheater Report

Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:10 pm

Hello, I would like to report a player, but I won't post his name here, because I don't want to break terms. If someone could help me to show me the reporting section I would be greatful. It's about a guy who asks aall the time "how do you want to die?" "you want a knife in the face"? and every single time he comes and kills you with the knife so fast, no matter if u shoot him at distance with all the bullets in the clip, he still gets close and knife. I shot him a few times with all the bullets, but he just refuses to die and every weapon he used he killed me 1 shot or worse, knife shot. It's very annoying. I read more posts about cheaters. Is anyone watching them? Is anyone taking care of them with the well deserved bans? Do the Admins have the posibility to ban them? or everything's a troll and no matter how much we complain about them nobody is doing nothing?

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Re: Cheater Report

Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:36 pm

Too bad. Cheater reports aren't taken seriously due to lack of evidence (a working in-game recorder) and for the simple reason that he can just make a new account. Cheater reports should be done to the server admins, not on the forums.

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Re: Cheater Report

Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:36 pm

Also why should they ban a random player? You have no screenshots, no video, no other proof. So they should believe you?

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Re: Cheater Report

Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:22 pm

Until an anticheat is implemented, we will not accept any cheater reports. As mizudg said, rather tell the server admins about possible cheaters.

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