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Joined:Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:09 pm
Oco w tym chodzi?

Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:47 pm

Pobrałem OutCome od NOFATE i jak zagrać w bf 4 ? potrzebuje oryginalnej gry ??? proszę wytłumaczcie mi to

Joined:Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:52 am

Re: Oco w tym chodzi?

Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:46 pm

Outcome is a free and easy way to play all of your favorite latest Origin™ games, without the need to actually have Origin™ running in the background. This allows for a more solid and optimal gameplay experience, relieving you from the stress of worrying about the memory footprint and processor usage that Origin™ generates.

With an installation that takes up less than 3mb of storage on your hard-drive, and with a average memory footprint of even less than that, even for the most demanding games, Outcome is by its nature extremely fast and lightweight. Gone are the days when you would have to worry about Origin™ using over 400mb of RAM and constantly killing your CPU. Your games are the ones that matter, so giving them more resources is what Outcome strives to achieve.

Outcome has been built from the beginning with an emphasis on security and privacy. Outcome makes sure that your data never leaves your computer, or your local network. Outcome never injects code to your processes, nor does it modify your files. Instead of spying on your computer, Outcome focuses on giving you what you need, without any cost or overhead.

Even when you are left without an active Internet connection, Outcome allows you to play all of your favorite games in Offline Mode. Just like with Steam™, the only requirement is that you have successfully logged in once with your account and have chosen to have Outcome remember your credentials for the next time.

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