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Frequency mismatch cannot be resolved

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:54 pm

Hello boys and girls,

all the 9 servers my ingame server browser found were running at 60Hz, while my clients says it runs in "High Frequency 120 Hz".
So when I try to connect, I get the message that I need to restart the program for the issue to be resolved. That, however, doesn´t happen. No matter how often I click "Yes" and restart the application this way, I always get the "Frequency Mismatch" error message, and in the upper right hand corner I can still see my client runs at 120 Hz.

Wat do? Help would be greatly appreciated1

Regards, Jeremy

Have you ran Battlefield 3 successfully via origin: YES
Do you have ANY integrated graphics (AMD APU, Intel Integrated, NV Optimus): NO
Operating System: [Avira]
Anti-Virus Solution: [None]
Have you linked your account for verification: YES
Have you tried above troubleshooting steps: I looked at all of them, but none were applicable.
Does VU quit without a crash: NO
Crash Record: [N/A]
What were you doing when it crashed: [Trying to connect to any server running at 60 Hz.]

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Joined:Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:50 pm

Re: Frequency mismatch cannot be resolved

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:56 pm

Either use the 60 Hz shortcut that the installer created or edit the shortcut you're using and replace "-high120" with "-high60".

Joined:Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:49 pm

Re: Frequency mismatch cannot be resolved

Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:52 pm

I´ll go with e diting the second option, thank you very much for your help1
just out of curiosity, are there usually 120 Hz servers up and I just got unlucky, or is 60 Hz the standard for now?
Again, thank you so very much, I can hardly wait jumping into my first match of VU

Regards, Jeremy

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Joined:Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:50 pm

Re: Frequency mismatch cannot be resolved

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:20 pm

Depends on the server hosters' decision. 120 Hz servers require a lot of CPU power, so most decide to host 60 Hz servers because those are a good compromise between performance and hit reg.

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