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BF3 Spectator mode Feedback

Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:13 am

Hello all,

yesterday we played some 5v5's on VU and we also tried out the spectator mode. I recorded two rounds on bazaar 5v5 cq as spectator and wanted to bring some feedback with it.

Here is one of the videos, I will go over some graphical glitches in this post and some ideas for improvement. Also for the parts where the sound dissapears or seems off, that is caused by me alt tabbing out of the VU client, this has nothing to do with the spectator mode.

When talking in chat as spectator the error shown below appeared, I think you guys are already aware of this:

Graphical glitches:
[1] 18:30: Name of the player doesn't correctly show, this is rather annoying. I had a few moments where I had no idea who was walking there.
[2] 29:44: Same as previous point but this time the objectives glitch out

[3] 3:00: (or any other given time): Currently spectating *player*, I think this info should be shown more clearly on the screen. It looks kinda hidden now.

[4] 7:30: An example of switching view between players through the scoreboard, however I found this to be a bit annoying at times, the scoreboad over your whole screen and searching the guy in the scoreboard. I would like to see a ledger on the side of the screen. Example:
RU Team | Kills| Death
Player 1 | 6 | 3
Player 2 | etc etc

US Team | Kills | Death
Player a etc etc

I think I might have seen this before in bf4 spectator mode on esl matches. But this basically allows you to already setup the next PoV for easy switches without popping up the scoreboard, and if possible make it show difference between death and alive players.
This ledger option could be made toggleable, in case the server has too many players and the list becomes too large maybe.

[5] 17:50: Is there a way to show the flag capture progression as spectator? Makes it a bit easier to tell what is happening.

[6]: Option to instantly get a free look perspective on flags, if you see something is happening on the C flag and you are at the A flag it would be nice to go there by one click and get "teleported" to an overlook position in freelook mode. So you can either switch to players from there or adjust your free look position to follow the gunfight happening.
These are some of the first things that I noticed or came to my mind as improvement. Though spectator mode works fine, I just think it could be just a bit better. Soon we will try to play an 8v8 on VU, I will probably spectate and record it again. If there is anything more I find for improvements I will update this post. If anyone has anything to add from my video, things I have forgotten or overlooked, feel free to comment here.

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Re: BF3 Spectator mode Feedback

Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:17 am

Flyza :3

Also, the name of the person being spectated is still pretty subtle and too hard to see from the corner of one's eye.

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