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Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Play."

Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:41 pm

Many of you that will read this thread will be like, "I don't hack, it's 'skill' ". Honestly people, IF I had a dollar for every time I busted or called out a hacker for cheating while in-game and they gave that retort, I'd probably own EA by now, and as a bonus I'd be giving away free copies of the Battlefield franchise to ALL players that have honoured the 'fair play' code. For those of you that don't know what 'fair play' means, here's the definition: - NO modding or exploiting of ANY kind, whether stand alone ESP Wall Hacks or ESP + Aimbot, Increased Bullet Damage (One shot kills) and/or Vehicular Aimbots. Now that we've established what is considered NOT to be 'fair play', I think that now is the perfect time to rethink and retract your initial statement about NOT being a hacker, or if you prefer a more refined description for your LACK of skills: 'cheater'.

The reason why I've created this thread is to intentionally bash players that NEED to RELY on hacks just to 'equally' compete on the same level as average players. It's quite sickening engaging hackers in battle. Sometimes I rage quit because I am getting no justice from Server Admins with the player(s) in question and their obvious cheating ways. Just to give an example of the frustration I encounter when playing. Earlier today I ran into multiple hackers while enjoying a fierce battle on the map Africa Harbour in Rush mode. This one cheater had his name as "MongoSpaz" and I called him out on it, then by the beginning of the next round, he changed his name to "BAD_NOOB". Five of my team-mates and I engaged him simultaneously and he took us all down without breaking a sweat. I mean the type 88 LMG is not to be trifled with in the hands of a true marksman, but HOW do you mitigate damage to yourself while being completely surrounded by the opposing side, did I leave out that we were ALL firing at him? My concerns with being able to change your player ID on the fly is, how do we eradicate them from the servers PERMANENTLY? When the account in question gets banned, they immediately create another one and resume their cheating. They plague EmulatorNexus server users like a bad disease - cancer to be precise (not trying to be insensitive to anyone who is suffering or knowns someone with that terrible disease) - with their blatant disregard for common decency and courtesy. They even called me "kid" and said to "stop whining". They are selfish and uncouth individuals with immense effrontery.

Well enough of the character bashing.....for now. What I propose is, do as PunkBuster does with the help of EvenBalance. They have a software that runs the diagnostics to ascertain whether or not a player cheats (Administrative Web Tools), along with the reports made to his/her profile about said player being a hacker. When or if the hackusations are found to be true, they are going to issue a ban on that persons IP address. Yes that's right hackers. You will need a NEW PC to access/download Origin again soon from now. Not just the GUID anymore. What is a 'GUID'? A 'GUID' is the numerical digits at the end of the URL in your web browser. It's basically your Global Unique Identifier, so no matter how much alias' you have, those numbers NEVER change. So they can track your activity, legitimately or otherwise. EmulatorNexus should attempt to do that with each new registrars account. Assign a GUID. That will finally quell these hacker terds from entering servers and ruining good, clean fun!

Lets put our minds together to STOP the hackers from ruining a good thing! Kinda why I stopped playing Battle field 3. And CoD. That's a hacker fest!

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Bruce Lee
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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:43 am

1Hand3d wrote:...That will finally quell these hacker terds from entering servers and ruining good, clean fun!

Great plan bro, but there is just one problem. There is no legitimate way to prove who is actually hacking in BC2 because there is no spectator mode. Before you start passing out GUID bans like candy, could you enlighten us with your brilliant plan to determine who is cheating with 100% accuracy?

1Hand3d wrote:What I propose is, do as PunkBuster does with the help of EvenBalance. They have a software that runs the diagnostics to ascertain whether or not a player cheats...

Seriously? That's your brilliant plan??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I bought BFBC2 on DVD in 2010 and I regularly play on the official EA punkbuster servers. I can confidently say that all honest players know pb is a total joke. In fact, I would say that I have seen more haxers on pb servers than I have ever seen on the nexus servers. If you would like to see how useless pb is, just google "punkbuster undetected cheat" for a good laugh.

(On a side note, its "Arica Harbor" and not "Africa Harbour". Its in Chile, not Africa. No offense but that seems like an odd mistake for a veteran player like yourself.)

P.S. Your tag says you just joined 4 days ago...seems like you made up your mind pretty fast that everybody was cheating...almost like it was part of something that you had planned ahead of time...funny how this would play right into the GUID banning practice of a certain server I know of...when they issue a GUID ban right now it only affects their servers and it can be bypassed by creating a new nexus account...not only would your plan prevent that, it would give them the power to ban people off the nexus entirely...funny how their interests fit together so nicely with your plan...hmmm...
Last edited by Bruce Lee on Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:29 am

I have been running servers for a great many years and a Nexus server for some time as well. In that time I banned maybe 2 people that were just blatant aim botters, and most recently someone named 'asssrape' simply because I found that somewhat offensive. Now I have had many that seemed questionable, but i can tell you even I have gotten many kills by just spamming the spot key and firing at the little orange triangle.

I really don't think hackers are as prevalent as you make it out to be.
Last edited by TacTicToe on Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Bruce Lee
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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:02 am

TacTicToe wrote:... i can tell you even I have gotten many kills by just spamming the spot key and firing at the little orange triangle.

Damn wall-hacker! Quick! GUID ban him! :P
"The world is like a big circus and the crooked businessmen and their puppet politicians are the biggest clowns in the show." -Anon.

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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:39 am

Not only that, but even if you do get banned, what stops you from creating a new account?

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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:58 pm


Rome is still a Beta project and even the build name doesn't say "Beta" it is since it's still experimental and/or halted since NoFaTe and kiwidog will concentrate on Venice Unleashed when NoFaTe returns from his vacation.

Anti-cheat is not a priority for now since this project is not meant to be a "play-games for free" - community.

Play on EA servers if you can.

Easy isn't it ?

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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:32 pm

Bruce Lee wrote:There is no legitimate way to prove who is actually hacking in BC2 because there is no spectator mode. Before you start passing out GUID bans like candy, could you enlighten us with your brilliant plan to determine who is cheating with 100% accuracy?

That is partially correct. There is a work-around to determine who is hacking, granted it will not be 100% accurate because it's a community of - how to put it without causing insult to anyone who uses EmulatorNexus - 'financially embarrassed' players. In other words, players that could not afford to purchase an original copy of BC2 (myself included). There is no profit to be made here, so the procedure may seem a bit tedious and unfruitful to whomever has the responsibility of performing the tasks.

As a Server Admin - I am purely speculating here because I have never gotten the privilege to be one as yet, so totally grabbing at straws, but please feel free to interject - I'm sure that you have many tools at your disposal, to easily help manoeuvre throughout the game's interface a bit more in depth than the average player. With that being said, would it not be easier to check on a player who is being accused of cheating by simply joining his squad, clicking on his name and watching him/her as they engage in combat through that little window? Now we all KNOW what is gauged as possible and probable to IMPOSSIBLE within the game of BC2. No need for me to give examples because it would make this post way too long, as I have MANY!

TicTacToe wrote:i can tell you even I have gotten many kills by just spamming the spot key and firing at the little orange triangle.

Even a normal player (without Admin privileges) can determine if a player is using a hack. It's simple. Go hide inside of a building and tell your team-mates NOT to spawn on you for a while, as not to reveal your position. Any enemy that makes a B line directly towards you while evading your teams advancement, is definitely using a wall hack. Remember, you are INSIDE of a building, staying away from all windows and doors, leaving very LITTLE chance of being SPOTTED by enemies. Had it happen many times throughout my gaming experiences. Not saying that by happenstance a player cannot cross paths with you while you are hiding unintentionally. It happens. But when it becomes repetitive by the same individual, you KNOW.

Bruce Lee wrote:google "punkbuster undetected cheat" for a good laugh.

Took your advice. Indeed I enjoyed a moment of being humoured. :lol: However, most of those hacks have been 'detected.' It's like a Cat and Mouse game. Hackers update their hacks, PunkBuster keeps on trying to catch those hackers. At least they're getting PAID to find hackers! 8-)

mizudg wrote:Not only that, but even if you do get banned, what stops you from creating a new account?

Presently, I am unaware of the protocols Nexus has enabled to prevent such instances from re-occurring. My solution to that problem would be to have everyone submit their IP addresses upon sign up - I mean they can find that out out if they really want to - IF they determine that using or issuing GUID's are not practical. Just ban the IP addresses. A lot easier and less problematic.

Bruce Lee wrote:(On a side note, its "Arica Harbor" and not "Africa Harbour". Its in Chile, not Africa. No offense but that seems like an odd mistake for a veteran player like yourself.)

Thanks for pointing that out. I really wasn't sure of the correct name, though I've noticed that this forum does strange things to words and their correct spelling. Maybe an issue with the java script. I don't know, but thank you for the correction.

Bruce Lee wrote:P.S. Your tag says you just joined 4 days ago...seems like you made up your mind pretty fast that everybody was cheating...almost like it was part of something that you had planned ahead of time...funny how this would play right into the GUID banning practice of a certain server I know of...when they issue a GUID ban right now it only affects their servers and it can be bypassed by creating a new nexus account...not only would your plan prevent that, it would give them the power to ban people off the nexus entirely...funny how their interests fit together so nicely with your plan...hmmm...

I can ASSURE you that I've not been privy to any knowledge regarding the partaking of actions against hackers or players accused of hacking. I was, sorry, I am SICK of hackers and how they RUIN the game so I decided to create a post. Was mainly out of frustration at not receiving justice from Server Admins.

Next post will be about NAMING the hackers that I run into. It will be a list that I update regularly. So keep a watchful eye!

Kerrigan wrote: Play on EA servers if you can. Easy isn't it ?

I wish I could but I don't have the 'original' copy of the game. :| I will be purchasing it as I've purchased BF3 and BF4. Just thought to give BC2 a go before I buy it. I love it so Xmas I will join you on EA servers, how about that?

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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:56 pm

So what if everyone's IPs are submitted? Dynamic IPs easily pass by every time they restart their PC by that logic..

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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:03 am

And I got banned from TKC servers for aimbotting lol
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Bruce Lee
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Re: Hackers RUIN the game for players that CHERISH "Fair Pla

Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:37 am

Firstly, there is NO substitute for spectator mode when it comes to determining who is hacking in a video game.
EVIDENCE = Tangible proof of something that does not depend on opinion.
A video showing a player cheating is EVIDENCE.
Blind stats are nothing more than a GUESS based on somebody's opinion.

Secondly, the purpose of the nexus client is to allow the use of mods, not to enable you to be a pirate.
If you are too poor to buy BFBC2 then you are too poor to play BFBC2.
Get a job, BUY the game and then you can use the game's Punkbuster cheat protection.
Problem solved.
"The world is like a big circus and the crooked businessmen and their puppet politicians are the biggest clowns in the show." -Anon.

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