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Re: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Mon May 05, 2014 1:47 pm

Bruce Lee wrote:Hi Captain,
Your point about the fecklessness of most game consumers is certainly accurate as any honest person would admit. However, the real truth is that Bobby K. & the Activision Board have forbidden the COD devs to tamper with the financially successful "lone-wolf run & gun" formula which COD has always stuck to. I would love to see proper player-driven vehicles, team based gameplay, a medical system, etc. in a new COD game but that will never happen. The priority is and always will be money, not innovation, and player enjoyment doesn't even enter into the equation at all. Consequently, the COD devs would rather rip off a well known franchise than risk Activision's ire, lol.

I prefer Bettlefold's style too. I mean vehicles, big maps, different classes and teamplay are good but this is not COD's style. COD has always been an arcade shooter about being a lone wolf, fighting in small rooms etc. If they change it then it wouldn't be COD anymore. On the other hand the new ip would be a good opponent for Bettlefold series.
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Bruce Lee
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Re: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Mon May 05, 2014 5:43 pm

Actually it has always puzzled me why Activision doesn't give the COD devs the go-ahead to release a DLC that features vehicles. That way it would allow them to rake in some extra cash while stealing some thunder from BF and since it was a DLC exclusive they could avoid alienating the core COD audience. Since Dice already has such a huge headstart in that field, maybe Activision figures they wouldn't be able to produce something which could compete favorably so they just leave it alone. They probably also figure that the cost of development vs. the potential monetary gains wouldn't justify it. Of course the definite trend is for EA to copy Activision and not the other way around since they are the obvious financial winner and that is why BF has become more and more of a COD clone with each iteration, lol.

EA exec: "Gotta get me some of that COD money...(slobbering sounds)."
"The world is like a big circus and the crooked businessmen and their puppet politicians are the biggest clowns in the show." -Anon.

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