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Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:38 am

So iv got shit to say about The Killing Crew servers. I started playing on them awhile ago because they were the only servers that had decent ping and didn't crash and was hacker free during that time i am talking about 3 months ago. Now present day there servers have at least one hacker on them at any given time and they almost NEVER have an admin on to enforce rules or ban hackers. I contacted Tactictoe via his website http://www.thekillingcrew.com/ and posted in his shout box and added him to ask him if he would on and deal with the insane amount of hackers on his server(s) Iv asked for admin and he said "ya go fill out an application on the website with your details and I will look at it when i have time" or something along those lines. I sadly don't have the chat logs anymore as it was over steam and didn't think to save the logs. So after applying i expected be made admin in a week or 2 at the most as I played on his servers a lot *before I upgraded my server box to run my own servers* But now I avoid his servers like the plague because of the amount of hackers that populate them... So I want to offer this to the community.. If you want a fun enjoyable and properly admined/managed servers then head on over to my servers. Iv attached a picture showing the servers I host.
Iv currently got 3 active admins and I will be looking for once iv got my very own forum up for my server so that you guys and report hackers and suggest servers/things i should add to the servers. Plus you will also be able to apply for admin so long as you show me that you wont abuse it and such. But this is all I have to say for now about The killing Crew Servers as well as my own.
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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:53 am

This is true, I've played on the Killing crew servers for a few weeks on another account and basically each and every server has a hacker, and has no active admin's at all. The only time they become active is when you tell them about someone hacking via the forums/contacting a mod.
There should always be at least one active admin on whatever server there is, that's the whole point of being an admin on a server, leaving it with no admins on gives plenty of hackers a big win since its not moderated at all.
There's also always some people speaking in a different language always claiming everyone that isn't a hacker, a hacker, despite how their K/D is 50/4. There's also always like 4-5 hackers on SQDM all the time as well, which is sad since its my favorite game mode, and sadly it gets populated with hackers, mostly people with the [Invalid] clan tags, and so on.

A suggestion would be to actually recruit people who are willing to be active most of the time, which doesn't include just answering messages via from the forum.

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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:07 am

I agree about them having atleast one admin on during the time that a server is populated but with all honesty I think it would be in there best interest to just down size there servers off of Emulator Nexus because they clearly don't have any interest in keeping the servers hacker free like most of the other servers out there. Plus I always see Tactictoe idling on his COD 4 server on steam. So there priorities are clearly on other things besides project rome aka BFBC2.
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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:26 am

TacTicToe and me are the only admins on thekillingcrew servers at this moment. TacTicToe has to manage all his servers and a website which is very time consuming. I try to be on the servers as much as I can but I also have a family and a fulltime job. There is not an admin online 24/7 but I assure you, we do take care of cheaters and rule breakers.

I understand that you want to advertise your servers but you could have done that without badmouthing an other server host.

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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:40 am

Not to mention that the game is rather old and people have changing tastes. I for example wouldn't be able to be on a BC2 Server for even 2-3 hours a day since that game got boring to me over the years. In time, however, I might get back into it, but even then, as you said, the admins were most active around 3 months ago. In such a long time, I'd have changed at least 2-3 games (that I play regularly).

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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:08 pm

mizudg wrote:Not to mention that the game is rather old and people have changing tastes. I for example wouldn't be able to be on a BC2 Server for even 2-3 hours a day since that game got boring to me over the years. In time, however, I might get back into it, but even then, as you said, the admins were most active around 3 months ago. In such a long time, I'd have changed at least 2-3 games (that I play regularly).
Well even 3 months ago they were not even that active back then the hackers were just not around as much as they are now. But lets be honest here for a second jayvytee you guys have to many servers for many different games mind you I have no idea how many admins you have for the other game servers but when you only have two for BFBC2 which is a rapidly growing community and will be growing even more once Venice comes out I think you guys should do one of two options. One down size servers until you can handle admining the amount of servers you have. or two find more people who can admin at different times and such. Well all I can say is good luck to you guys over at The Killing Crew as you now no longer have the server monopoly for the North American region for BFBC2 and you wont have it for BF3.
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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:50 pm

So there's the problem, there's basically no mods at all for your servers except for you and tic. The more you have, the more easier it gets, and I know you'd have to figure and see on who you can trust, but there's times where you have to take a risk, and see how the result ends up with whatever person you decide on giving admin, or at least mod privileges. You might say there's not a lot of people who sit on BFBC2 for more than 2-3 hours, but there are some that would, even if you believe it or not. I've been playing for at least 4-5 hours whenever I go on, depending on how many people are on a server, but when there's hackers, its usually 10 minutes, mainly because no one likes hackers, and playing with someone who can basically win each and every round by shooting you through a wall, or just by aimbotting, it's not fun. I understand that dealing with so many servers can be difficult, but that's why you guys have the option to apply for people being able to become a mod on a server, so you can have mods who are active that will actually ban hackers, so you guys don't have to deal with constant complaints about hackers. That's how it works, and not making anyone admin is just going to make your job harder/more annoying when its just two people managing the stuff. If you guys basically want to manage the servers yourself, then what's really the point of having the option to apply for admin, or mod rank? I understand you have a family and a job, but isn't that the point of having people apply for those ranks? So they can moderate the server while you basically earn money?

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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:23 pm

Wow, it looks like KillingTheNoise just joined the Nexus forum on Dec.23rd and only has 2 posts total...and both posts are contained in this thread...that seems odd...almost like KillingTheNoise is a straw man account created only for this post...almost like KillingTheNoise is in cahoots with ACanadianKernel...ooooo...maybe ACanadianKernel is actually KillingTheNoise and he is talking to himself...hmmmm...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S. More admins playing "guess who is cheating" in a game without spectator mode? Color me unimpressed. :roll:
Last edited by Bruce Lee on Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:40 pm

Like KillingTheNoise stated he has an account that he uses for just in game playing and Killingthenoise is his forum account. From what i can gather. So do you have anything else to add besides going offer topic about accounts and post count?
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Re: Regarding The Killing Crew Servers

Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:49 pm

Since you're obviously being obtuse I guess I need to spell it out a little plainer.
When a server owner attempts to promote his own server while bashing somebody else's in a very suspicious manner it raises eyebrows.

Is that on topic enough for you?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

FYI: Nobody cares jack squat about your server, but if you want to keep making suspicious looking posts trying to pimp it then feel free to.
However, if you think that the only way you can promote your server is to insult somebody else's then you aren't presenting a very classy picture of yourself or your server. ;)
"The world is like a big circus and the crooked businessmen and their puppet politicians are the biggest clowns in the show." -Anon.

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